Seriously guys, do something you love or you will resent your life. I flippin LOVE doing voice acing! It's extremely rewarding to see a project come out and be able to watch it flourish and to know that you where a part of it...feels awesome. I can't imaging spending the rest of my life doing something that makes me so unhappy and unappreciated. With voice over I have my business side where I have to hash out all the technical stuff and how lines are labeled and sorted but it also has the fantastic artsy part where you can just sit in your recording studio for hours letting your creativity just escape the floodgates. I always walk out of a recording session with a good feeling, I hope this never goes away. Find something you can walk away from at the end of the day with a good feeling in your gut. Trust me =D
Here is another picture of mine to keep you interested
Words to live by.